
Shri S. P. Kamat

Chairman, Kanara Welfare Trust

A Word from the Chairman

Kanara Welfare trust is indeed an institution with a difference .Being rooted in the rural  background of the Uttar Kannada district, it has to balance the aspirations of the rural people and  the modern requirements. Education is no more and it should not be any more a mere acquisition  of knowledge for eking out the livelihood. It has a deeper meaning and a loftier purpose. The  formal curriculum prescribed needs to be blended with methods to arose latent potentials in the  child, and make it to release its own strength .The wholesome development of the personality of a  child leading it to higher level of understanding should be the purpose of education.  

Today, Indian needs to be imbued with a new dynamism which calls for young man and  women to shed off the shackles of small ideas, small means, small pleasures and small aims and  be motivated to thing and achieve higher goals in every walk of life. Education is the instrument  through which alone, this purpose could be achieved .This has been the moto of Kanara Welfare  trust. 

Kanara Welfare trust has completed six decades of its existence. This institution is an  expression of a creative thought with germinated in a creative mind in a state of contemplation.  Though this creative mind appears to be always in a flux and agitation influenced by a parent short  comings and deficiencies in external system, in its deeper recesses there does lie a lofty ideal, and  a though focused at on the possibility of overcoming deficiencies and shortcomings experienced  by the superficial mind. Dr. Dinakar Desai’s life is an example to show how creative within can  find its expression to meet the challenges of the given time. The trust which has its humble  beginning has today grown into a magnificent cherishing its own ideas and principle and in the  process of providing the life sustaining strength to thousands of young boys and girls in the form  of formal education. This is the contribution of late Dr. Dinakar Desai to nation –building in its  correct perspective. 

This website would provide an insight into the work of the B.Ed. College which is  transparent and appropriately oriented. 

I take this opportunity to thank all the member of the staff who are participants in our  endeavor, through whom alone we can and we could translate the ideals set by the founders and  cherished by us